Project: Sicilian Taste
Notification: Action 1.1.2 of POS FESR SICILIA 2014/2020
Objectives and terms of the project: based on a preliminary marketing study, the project aims at promoting the company, both nationally and internationally. It also strives to increase its list of reference customers by using an Ecommerce platform, adequately sponsored to upgrade its own competitivity and financial results.
The project involves the purchase of the following innovative services figuring on the regional catalogue of innovations:

  • C.1 Support services to marketing innovations
  • C.4 Development of specialised distribution channels and e-commerce/e-business systems.

Two companies, specialised in both technical fields and registered in the above-mentioned catalogue, have been entrusted with the implementation of those services.
Grant from the European Union: € 100.000,00
Link PO FESR Sicilia 2014-2020: www.euroinfosicilia.it